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Dear Club Secretary,

I am sending this letter seeking help to the 30+ England Athletics affiliated clubs with the highest number of members of the Fell Runners Association; indeed, these clubs have almost 1/3rd of our total membership.  

I do so aware that some Secretaries of multi-discipline clubs may not be fully aware of the role of the FRA. 

We are a UKA affiliate and a membership based body responsible for fell running in England; as well as having strong links with the UKA; EA and other fell and hill and mountain running bodies responsible for British and International events. 

With 7000 members we have a strong membership base; over 500 registered fell races; championships for seniors and juniors; a long distance award; coaching, first aid and navigation courses plus the Fell Runner magazine; a handbook/calendar of events; a website and a Facebook page.

The FRA is run by an Executive committee elected at the AGM. Currently we are looking for members willing to fill a number of posts.

  1. A new Secretary, following the recent death of Steve Cliff, Bowland, from Motor Neurone Disease. 
  2. At the AGM we will be looking for a new Chair, Treasurer and Fixtures Secretary (the Handbook part of the Handbook/Calendar is currently produced by another member) and two Member representatives. 

Although we have had some expressions of interest for the last two named posts we have no indications of nominees for the posts of Secretary, Chair or Treasurer.  Could you help in identifying members of your club who might be interested?  

The Committee meets 3 – 4 times a year, although I should add that most of the work occurs outside the committee meetings and that all the key Officers are also on the Safety, Equipment and Rules subcommittee.

Without new nominees the work of the FRA will grind to a halt. 

If you know of anyone who might be interested you, or they, are welcome to contact me at 07956344174 or the current post holders:

Treasurer – Andy Watts 01625 536896 or 

Fixtures – Andy Butler 07891246946

In line with our aim of encouraging more women into the sport I would very much welcome inquiries from women members.

Best wishes,

Nick Harris - Chair